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Monday, May 28, 2018

How to Get a Credit Score of 900 Points

The highest credit score possible depends on the credit scoring system ... a scale that goes up to 850, while others might go up to 900 or 950. Across both of the most common credit scoring brands, FICO and VantageScore, that highest score is 900 out of the now-standard range of 300 to 900. But the truth is that while it's nice to boast that you've maxed out your credit score, it's almost impossible to achieve the magical 900.

How to Get a Credit Score of 900 Points

If you are looking to get a score of 900 points, the following steps will help you achieve your goal.

Request a Copy of Your Credit Report

Obtain a copy of your credit report and your credit score. You can get these both on the Internet. You can get your report free once a year, but to get your score you will need to pay

Review Your Credit Report

If you find errors you will need to file a dispute with your credit company and work to get the errors corrected.

Establish Bank Accounts

go to a bank and check your account. Responsibly maintaining these accounts shows stability and helps with your overall score.

Maintain a Variety of Credit Accounts

Always make sure you have a mix of credit accounts. You will need both revolving credit and installment loans to achieve a 900 score.

Keep Your Credit Current

Follow certain rules in regards to your credit card if you wish to reach a score of 900. Always pay your bill early and in full. Pay the bill as soon as it arrives, if possible.

Stick With What You Can Afford

When mortgaging a home or taking out a car loan always make sure you will easily be able to make the monthly payment. Be sure to pay all of your installment loans on time every month. Understand that building to a credit score of 900 takes time and a lot of it. It will take you years of complete consistency to achieve a 900 credit score.

Monitor Your Credit

Take the time to monitor your report on a regular basis. Credit scores reflect the information in your credit report. To get good scores, you must take care of your credit report. Instead of focusing on the number, work to maintain a good credit history. You will probably never get a perfect credit score, but that shouldn’t be your goal.

The highest credit score possible depends on the credit scoring system being used. There are many different scoring systems available, and the range, or scale, can vary from one system to another. For example, some credit scoring systems may have a scale that goes up to 850, while others might go up to 900 or 950.

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