Your credit score determines your success in borrowing money and interest rates. To check your score, visit a website that offers free credit scores. If you are not satisfied with your score, try to fix it by paying bills on time and reducing your debt.
While you can check your credit reports from each of the major credit bureaus – Experian, Equifax and TransUnion – for free once every 12 months at, the free reports don't contain your credit score.[2]
1. Find a free website.The most famous free websites are,, and You can find out the credit score for free without negative effects when requesting it from the site.
Some websites advertise they may be "free." However, you need to pay to access your report. In addition, you will also subscribe for a year
2. Sign up. At, for example, you need to provide your email and create a password. Doing so will allow you to return to the website and check your score in the future.
3.Provide personal information. Each website will request slightly different information, but most will require the following:
5. Receive your score. Your score will be three digits, from 300-850. The score you receive from these sites might be slightly different than the score a lender sees. However, they shouldn’t be too different.
2. Ask a housing or credit counselor. These counselors can get your credit score and report for free. They can also analyze your finances and help you come up with a budget to improve your score
3. Purchase your FICO score. Visit and buy a one-time report. You can get your score along with a credit report from one or all of the three major credit report agencies (CRAs). Lenders usually look at your FICO score, so you can see exactly what they are seeing if you buy from this website.
4. Buy your score from a credit reporting agency. In the U.S, the three largest CRAs are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can buy your score from each.[5] Visit their websites to order it.
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What is the best site to check your credit Report & Score?
There is only one place to get your free, federally mandated credit reports, also called an "educational credit report," which this is You are allowed a free credit report from the three major consumer reporting agencies in the U.S." Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. [1]While you can check your credit reports from each of the major credit bureaus – Experian, Equifax and TransUnion – for free once every 12 months at, the free reports don't contain your credit score.[2]
Best Way to Check Credit Score
1. Using a Free Website [3]
1. Find a free website.The most famous free websites are,, and You can find out the credit score for free without negative effects when requesting it from the site.
Some websites advertise they may be "free." However, you need to pay to access your report. In addition, you will also subscribe for a year
2. Sign up. At, for example, you need to provide your email and create a password. Doing so will allow you to return to the website and check your score in the future.
3.Provide personal information. Each website will request slightly different information, but most will require the following:
- First and last name
- Mailing address
- Date of birth
- Last four digits of your Social Security Number
5. Receive your score. Your score will be three digits, from 300-850. The score you receive from these sites might be slightly different than the score a lender sees. However, they shouldn’t be too different.
- In addition to your score, you should see other information, such as a listing of your total debt. At, you can also buy a copy of your credit report for $9.95, but you should decline since you can get a copy for free each year.
- The website might also have links to sign up for credit cards. You are not required to, and should think carefully before signing up for any offered products.
2. Using Other Methods [3]
1.Check with your credit card provider. More and more credit card companies are offering their customers information on their credit scores. You can look on your most recent statement or log into your online account.2. Ask a housing or credit counselor. These counselors can get your credit score and report for free. They can also analyze your finances and help you come up with a budget to improve your score
3. Purchase your FICO score. Visit and buy a one-time report. You can get your score along with a credit report from one or all of the three major credit report agencies (CRAs). Lenders usually look at your FICO score, so you can see exactly what they are seeing if you buy from this website.
4. Buy your score from a credit reporting agency. In the U.S, the three largest CRAs are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can buy your score from each.[5] Visit their websites to order it.
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