If you want to have an unsecured card with a bad credit card, it will be very risky, because often it does not have the best terms. Interest rates and fees can be high and can be more dangerous than good.
What is an Unsecured Credit Card for Bad Credit?
Unsecured credit cards for bad credit are not backed by a cash deposit like secured cards. They are traditional credit cards that can be used to pay for purchases and are subject to interest and late fees.
Unsecured credit cards for bad credit are designed for people who have trouble getting approved for regular cards. They have lower approval requirements, so you may be approved for one even with a poor credit score. They can offer you a good opportunity to rebuild and build your credit, but often have weaknesses such as high interest rates and fees.
People with bad credit are risky for creditors. They have a greater chance of defaulting than someone with a higher score, which is why applicants with bad credit are often denied new cards. Credit cards for people with bad credit are designed to offer a second chance while also protecting creditors against possible default.
Best Unsecured Credit Cards for Bad Credit
1. Credit One Bank® Platinum Visa® with Cash Back Rewards
Annual Fee
$0 - $99
Credit Needed
Fair Credit
19.15% - 25.24% Variable
2. Indigo® Platinum Mastercard®
Annual Fee
$0 - $99
Credit Needed
Fair Credit
3. Capital One® QuicksilverOne® Cash Rewards Credit Card
Annual Fee
Credit Needed
Average, Fair, Limited
24.99% (Variable)
Choosing an Unsecured Card for Bad Credit
If you have bad credit and are looking for an unsecured credit card, you should research these key features before applying:
Annual fee
Additional fees and charges
Credit limit
Ability to increase credit limit
Penalty APR
Foreign transaction fee
Reporting to the three credit bureaus
Cardholder benefits
Unsecured credit cards for bad credit usually have an APR that is 10 to 15 percent higher than a traditional card for people with good credit scores. Carrying balance on high-interest cards can result in significant interest charges, so you should look for cards with the lowest rates.
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