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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

10 Precise Ways to Increase Your Credit Score

In this article I am going to show you the best ways to repair credit by using the top ten ways to improve credit score.

10 Precise Ways to Increase Your Credit Score

Your credit score in turn determines your ability to obtain credit and potentially be approved for loans. Having a poor credit score will either keep you from obtaining credit altogether or place you in a high-risk category, which means that if you're approved for credit or loans, the interest rates you'll be offered will be significantly higher than someone with excellent credit.

Someone with a credit score of between 660 and 679 might qualify for an interest rate of 6.51 percent for that same loan. Someone with a credit score of 620 to 639 might qualify for an interest rate of 7.49 percent.

Meanwhile, the person with the credit score between 620 and 639 would pay $3,161.76 per year extra in interest compared to the person with excellent credit score of 760 and 800. Far too many people do stupid things, like making mortgage payments late or skipping credit card payments, and the negative impact on their credit scores is disastrous.

1. Make sure to check your credit report at least once a year.

This is a good way to make sure you’re not a victim of identity theft. You will know about what may be on your credit report so you can question the things that might appear as off base or negative.

2. Dispute errors on your credit report.

Contact each of the three major credit bureaus – TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian – and get copies of your credit reports and credit scores.  Painstakingly read over the reports and note any mistakes. In composing, contact the credit bureaus and ask that errors be evacuated or examined. This is known as a debate letter and once it is gotten, credit bureaus need to explore your question inside thirty days of getting your letter.  It is important to keep a copy of your letter and it is important to note the date the letter was sent.  You should not be accusatory or abusive in your letter – calmly and clearly state the problem and request an investigation. This will raise credit score quickly.

3. Make sure to pay your bills on time all the time.

Your creditors will be compelled to report to the credit bureaus on time and correct information. This may seem like a simple step but it is the biggest obstacle to high credit scores. For example if you have a small credit card balance that requires a $15 dollar payment, don’t pay them $30 this month and nothing the next month because this will show as a 30 day late payment on that account.

4. Use half of the available credit line that’s outstanding.

How this works, if you have a credit line available of $1000 you should use no more than $450 to $500 as your credit limit. This is one of the biggest ways to improve your credit score.

5. Pay down your debts.

Make sure that you pay off all unnecessary outstanding debt each month to keep you in a better position to obtain further credit in the future. This will help to offset any new installment loans that you take out.

6. Leave open old lines of credit.

The credit bureaus scoring models seem to favor old revolving trade lines with low balances. This seems to raise credit score because it shows that you are stable in your credit use by not opening new trade lines all of the time.

that it is better to have old trade line set of instead wish for a long time left open even though you may not be using them as it will show a high credit to balance limit which will offend the sensually help to raise your credit score.

7. Pay off all outstanding collections and judgments.

The biggest way to improve your credit score if you have any outstanding collections or judgments is to make sure that you pay them off. You can negotiate a settlement with them instead of paying off the full amount. I’ve found a lot of times that creditors will settle for a 50¢ on the dollar for most collections and judgments that have been out there for the period of time. By paying those off you will be raising your credit score as it will be less derogatory items on your credit report. This may be one of the biggest things that you could do to raise your credit score.

8. Don’t think that having no loans or debts will improve your credit score

A few people trust that owing no cash, having no credit cards, and in certainty staying away from the entire universe of credit will help enhance their credit score. The inverse is genuine – loan specialists need to see that you can deal with credit, and the main way they can tell is whether you have credit that you handle dependably.

9. Be careful of inquiries on your credit report.

Every time that someone looks at your credit report, the inquiry is noted. In the event that you have bunches of request on your report, it might create the impression that you are looking for a few credits without a moment's delay – or that you have been dismissed by loan specialists. Both influence you to show up a poor credit hazard and may influence your credit score. This implies you ought to be cautious about who takes a gander at your credit report. In the event that you are looking for an advance, search around inside a brief timeframe, since request made inside a couple of days of each other will by and large be lumped together and considered one request.

10. Try secured credit if you cannot qualify for other types of credit.

Secured credit is credit or a loan which uses something as collateral.  In some cases, this could be an asset like a house.  In some cases, this collateral could be money frozen in an account by the bank for just such a purchase.

On the off chance that you require credit following a major issue with your credit score, secured credit might be something you can fit the bill for. You can use this secured credit to reestablish a good credit rating so that you will qualify for other loans in the future.  You may have to pay slightly higher interest if your credit score is quite low, but in the long term repaying this type of loan is one more of the ways to improve your credit score.

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