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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Merchant Account Credit Card Processing - How to Avoid Fraud and Lower The Chargeback Rate?

Credit card fraud is a serious matter that causes credit card companies and significant business to accept credit card losses. Credit card processing companies use advanced technology that ensures secure transaction processing. They have a process to detect fraudulent activity. Companies must also follow strict guidelines for handling credit card payments.

Merchant Account Credit Card Processing - How to Avoid Fraud and Lower The Chargeback Rate?

Thieves are often left with traps because of the poor staff at the checkout. Some of the steps companies can take to protect themselves and customers against cheating are:

Check the authenticity of an unusual credit card activity.

Credit or debit card processing companies track activity within an account to form a pattern. If there are unusual activities, such as a sudden increase in the volume of purchases of credit processing companies that are detected immediately and will contact customers or companies to verify their authenticity. It helps detect cheating earlier before it can cause a lot of damage.

Check the cardholder's address

Many Points of Sale (POS) terminals has the option to verify addresses in a file. Options can be enabled or disabled. It is safer to save this option for additional checks.

Staff training at the check-in counter

Most companies do not adequately train staff to handle credit transactions. Credit card or debit card transactions are over-simplified simply by sliding and pushing buttons. Staff should be trained on the characteristics of POS terminals that can perform safer transactions. They should also be trained in practices such as signature verification, identification, etc. Getting staff to know about card fraud will make them more alert.

Check the credit cardholder's identity card

Implementing cardholder identification is a simple and effective way to verify cheats. Most companies do not follow this practice constantly. Examples of busy Fox bars may not ask for a customer number every time they make a purchase.

Verify signature

Many companies do not even see a signature to confirm the identity of a credit card or credit card debit card. The company should compare the signature on the back of the card with the receipt. Scammers will not trust companies that follow this practice constantly.

The Company pays compensation for negligence in credit transactions.

In the case of theft or credit card fraud, customers are generally free to pay bills and card issuers must bear the cost. However, credit processing at the company is treated differently. If the card processing company can prove that the company is negligent in handling the transaction, by not verifying the identification or signature, the company is responsible for the accident. Businesses may have to pay fraud-related compensation to credit card companies.

General cheating is based on commercial omissions to avoid their crimes. Credit card cheating is rampant and the only way companies can protect themselves is by following the simple tips mentioned above and staying alert.

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